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Appium Testing Interview Questions

Appium testing interview questions

Appium testing interview questions

Answer :

<ul class="i8Z77e"><li class="TrT0Xe">ANDROID SDK.</li><li class="TrT0Xe">JDK.</li><li class="TrT0Xe">TestNG.</li><li class="TrT0Xe">Eclipse.</li><li class="TrT0Xe">Selenium Server JAR.</li><li class="TrT0Xe">Webdriver Language Binding Library.</li><li class="TrT0Xe">APPIUM EXE for Windows.</li><li class="TrT0Xe">APK App Info.</li></ul>

What are the most difficult scenarios to test with Appium?

The most difficult scenario to test with Appium is data exchange.

What is Appium in testing?

Appium is an automation testing tool that can be used to validate mobile browsers and mobile applications. This tool is widely used in mobile automation testing because it is free and can support both iOS and Android platforms.

How do you run a test in Appium?

Download the following components to run Appium tests on Android:

  1. Appium Jar files for Java.
  2. Latest Appium Client Library.
  3. Appium Server.
  4. Java.
  5. TestNG.
  6. Install Java on the system. Don't forget to set the environment variables.
  7. Configure Device with Developer Mode option enabled.

Can we do parallel testing in Appium?

Appium can be used to run tests on real devices on local as well as on cloud platforms and also run the tests in parallel using TestNG.

Can we use BDD in Appium?

In our case, it's a mobile application. In this demo, we will prepare our project for BDD, or behavior-driven development, with Appium by installing the required plugins in our IntelliJ IDE and by adding the required dependencies in our pom. xml file.

How do I verify errors in Appium?

We can call our method to check the error message as such: bool doesErrorMessageExist = driver. DoesElementExist(By. XPath("//*[contains(@text, 'Invalid number')]");

What are the limitations of Appium?

The cons of Appium testing

  • You have to code Appium tests. A tester has to learn a programming language to be able to automate tests (which can take months). This prevents business users and testers from using automation.
  • Heavy maintenance. The scripts that you write in Appium have to be maintained.

Which language is not supported by Appium?

Appium supports many frameworks and languages such as Java, Python, C#, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, etc. Robotium only supports Java programming language. Appium does not need application source code or library.

Does Appium use Selenium?

Basically, Appium derives its roots from Selenium and it uses JSONWireProtocol internally to interact with iOS and Android apps using Selenium's WebDriver. In its architecture, Appium is an HTTP server written in Node. js that creates and handles multiple WebDriver sessions.

What are Appium tools?

Appium is an open-source tool for automating native, mobile web, and hybrid applications on iOS mobile, Android mobile, and Windows desktop platforms. Native apps are those written using the iOS, Android, or Windows SDKs.

Is Appium a framework or tool?

What is Appium? Appium is an open-source framework that allows QAs to conduct automated app testing on different platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows. It automates testing for: Native Mobile Applications that are written using iOS, Android, or Windows SDKs.

What are the locators in Appium?

Locators in Appium

  • ID.
  • Accessibility ID.
  • Class Name.
  • XPath.
  • Android UI Automator (UI Automator 2)
  • Android View Tag (Espresso Only)
  • iOS UIAutomation.

How do you write the first test case in Appium?

Getting Started with Appium Testing

  1. Go to release page and download the latest version of Appium, according to your system configuration.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions and install Appium.
  3. Once the setup is complete, run the Appium server GUI and check for the host and port configuration as shown below:

How do you use TestNG in Appium?

Its easy to run your Appium tests written using TestNG framework on real Android and iOS devices on BrowserStack. ...

  1. Setup your environment. You will need a BrowserStack username and access_key .
  2. Upload your app. Upload your Android app ( . ...
  3. Configure and run your first test. Setup your project. ...
  4. View test execution results.

How do I connect two devices to Appium?

Launch Appium server for each device and then connect to the Appium server from client with http://<HOST_IP>:<APPIUM_PORT>/wd/hub. When working with single host the HOST_IP address is localhost or 127.0. 0.1. In multi-machine setup it is something like 192.168.

How do I run multiple test cases in Appium?

Appium: How to execute multiple test cases one after the other?

  1. App run.
  2. TestMethod1() executed.
  3. App closed.
  4. TestMethod2() executed.

Is Appium and API same?

Importantly, Appium is "cross-platform": it allows you to write tests against multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Windows), using the same API. This enables code reuse between iOS, Android, and Windows testsuites.

Which is better TDD or BDD?

BDD is in a more readable format by every stakeholder since it is in English. Unlike TDD, test cases are written in programming languages such as Ruby and Java. BDD explains the behavior of an application for the end-user while TDD focuses on how functionality is implemented.

Is BDD and TDD same?

BDD is designed to test an application's behavior from the end user's standpoint, whereas TDD is focused on testing smaller pieces of functionality in isolation.

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