Confederate Rose
Confederate rose
It may not have manufactured bling, and it may not taste good, but a Confederate Rose cutting or full plant is indeed the perfect gift. It says “I love you” all year long, and the lore of it says even more. The story goes that a young soldier was mortally wounded in a bloody battle during the Civil War.
Why are they called Confederate roses?
Originating in China, the cotton rose technically isn't a rose but a species of hibiscus (Hibiscus mutabilis). Sometimes called the Confederate rose because, according to legend, the flowers soaked up the blood spilled on battlefields during the civil war.
Is Confederate rose same as Rose of Sharon?
Rose of Sharon, also called althea, has smaller leaves than Confederate rose and grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9, but can be grown as an annual in colder areas. Confederate rose is less cold hardy and is most suited to USDA zones 7 through 9.
Where is the best place to plant Confederate roses?
Confederate rose likes a consistently moist planting bed, but it does not like wet feet. The leaves are large and frequently start to look a little wilty on hot summer days, but the plant bounces back the next morning when gardeners maintain consistent soil moisture.
Is Confederate rose poisonous?
This wonderful shrub grows about 7 feet tall,covered in the beautiful pink blooms. Like many of our ornamental garden plants,all parts of plant are poisonous.
Do Confederate roses need full sun?
Confederate Roses are a full-sun shrub that appreciates some dappled shade during the hottest part of the day. When planting, dig the hole twice the width of the root ball and just as deep.
Do Confederate roses change color?
The flowers open white and change color over a three-day period until they are deep pink and then as they die assume a dark "blue-pink" hue. Flowers of three distinct colors appear on the shrub simultaneously.
Can Confederate Rose be rooted in water?
Just collect several twelve-inch long cuttings from the limb tips in fall, before the first frost, and stick them six inches into a bucket of water or a deep vase. Keep in a sunny, warm spot indoors. Roots will form by December.
How long do Confederate rose blooms last?
Bloom season usually lasts from summer through fall. Propagation by cuttings root easiest in early spring, but cuttings can be taken at almost any time. When it does not freeze, the Confederate rose can reach heights of 12 to 15 feet with a woody trunk; however, a multi-trunk bush 6 to 8 feet tall is more typical.
Why is my Confederate rose not blooming?
Confederate rose blooms on new growth. If it's too hot and dry, there isn't much new growth to bloom on. Another common cause (though not in this case) is a hard frost in fall that kills the flower buds.
What is another name for Confederate rose?
Hibiscus mutabilis, also known as the Confederate rose, Dixie rosemallow, cotton rose or cotton rosemallow, is a plant long cultivated for its showy flowers.
Is a Confederate rose a tree or bush?
Fast-growing, award-winning Hibiscus mutabilis (Confederate Rose) is a large spreading shrub or small multi-stemmed tree with huge flowers that make a big impact in the landscape. Blooming profusely from late summer through fall, Confederate Rose becomes the glory of the garden.
Can Confederate roses grow in pots?
You can grow the Confederate rose in a pot for an unlimited time -- provided the container offers adequate room for roots, and you provide water and nutrients. Container-grown plants -- whether angel's trumpet or Confederate rose -- tend to be smaller than those grown in a garden bed.
Are Confederate roses fragrant?
Flowering and Fragrance The beautiful inflorescences of the confederate rose are the glory of the plant.
How do I get my Confederate rose to bloom?
After the plants are established and growing well, scatter some general all-purpose fertilizer around the plant. The plant should bloom in October and November. Frost and freezing temperatures will determine the length of the blooming season. The coastal Carolina area is well suited for growing the Confederate Rose.
How do you fertilize a Confederate rose?
Louisiana State University Agricultural Center recommends fertilizing Confederate rose plants with a fertilizer formula with potassium levels that are two to three times higher than the nitrogen level. The agricultural center recommends a formula such as a 12-4-18.
Why are my Confederate rose leaves turning yellow?
Chlorosis. Chlorosis, or yellowing leaves, is common in some parts of the country. Rose leaves turn yellow because the pH of the soil is too high, or there's not enough iron in the soil. It can also be caused by a lack of oxygen when the plants are overwatered or the soil doesn't drain easily.
Is Confederate rose toxic to dogs?
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) members of the Malvaceae family are non-toxic to cats, dogs and horses.
How do you take care of a Confederate rose?
Confederate Rose Water Requirements Water the confederate rose weekly so that its garden bed is slightly moist, but not soaking wet. During the hot summer months, you may need to water the plant more frequently, as it prefers full sun or at least six hours of direct sunlight.
Do Confederate roses need pruning?
Prune Confederate Rose in November and December after it blooms, but keep pruning to a minimum. Prune weak growth or diseased wood and remove branches that are crossing, crowding, or rubbing other branches.
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